Search publications


  • Luján-Lujan EM, García-León MÁ, Rodriguez-Cano E, Huertas-Martínez S, Roldan-Merino J, Puig Llobet M, Miguel-Ruiz D, RAYMOND SALVADOR CIVIL, Vieta E and Pomarol-Clotet E.

    Validity of the Functioning Assessment Short Tests (FAST), in patients with schizophrenia.

    revista de psiquiatria y salud mental . 15(3): 157-166.


  • Luján-Luján EM, Lluch-Canut T, Puig Llobet M, Roldan-Merino J, Pomarol-Clotet E and Miguel-Ruiz D.

    Evaluación del nivel de salud mental positiva en pacientes diagnosticados de esquizofrenia, atendidos en la comunidad.

    Revista Española de Enfermería de Salud Mental . 15: 5-15.

  • Ferré-Grau C, Raigal-Aran L, Lorca-Cabrera J, Lluch-Canut T, Ferré-Bergadà M, Lleixá-Fortuño M, Puig Llobet M, Miguel-Ruiz D and Albacar-Riobóo N.

    A Mobile App-Based Intervention Program for Nonprofessional Caregivers to Promote Positive Mental Health: Randomized Controlled Trial.

    JMIR mHealth and uHealth . 9(1): . Number of citations: 9


  • Huguet A, JON IZAGUIRRE EGUREN, Miguel-Ruiz D, Vall Vallés X and Alda JA.

    Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Mindfulness as a Useful Treatment Modality

    JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS . 40(6): 425-431. Number of citations: 20


  • Roldan-Merino J, Miguel-Ruiz D, Roca-Capara N and Olga Rodrigo Pedrosa.

    Personal tutoring in nursing studies: A supportive relationship experience aimed at integrating, curricular theory and professional practice.

    NURSE EDUC PRACT . 37: 81-87. Number of citations: 4


  • Roldan-Merino J, Roca-Capara N, Miguel-Ruiz D and Olga Rodrigo Pedrosa.

    Development and psychometric properties of the assessment questionnaire for the process of the tutorial action plan.

    NURSE EDUCATION TODAY . 76: 109-117. Number of citations: 3


  • Roldan-Merino J, Farrés M, Estrada-Masllorens JM, Hurtado B, Miguel-Ruiz D, Nebot C, Insa-Calderon E, LUIS GRANELL, Bande G, Falcó A, Lluch-Canut T and Casas I.

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument (C-SEI).

    NURSE EDUC PRACT . 35: 14-20. Number of citations: 11


  • López M, Ortega M, Chuecos M, Ruiz E, Almazor A and Miguel-Ruiz D.

    Innovando en la formación para homogeneizar la intervención en personas con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica

    Paraninfo Digital . XIII(28): 1-3.

  • Huguet A, Miguel-Ruiz D, Haro JM and Alda JA.

    A pilot study of efficacy of a mindfulness program for children newly diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Impact on Core Symptoms and Executive Functions

    International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy . 17(3): 305-316.

  • Roldan-Merino J, Miguel-Ruiz D, Lluch-Canut T, Puig-Llobet M and Feria-Raposo I.

    Psychometric Properties of Self-Care Requisites Scale (SCRS-h) in Hospitalized Patients Diagnosed With Schizophrenia.

    PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHIATRIC CARE . 53(1): 16-28. Number of citations: 4
