#NeuroConCiencia · Neurogénesis hipocampal adulta en seres humanos



  • Dra. María Llorens-Martin, científica titular del CSIC en el Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa

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The hippocampus hosts one of the most unique phenomena of the adult mammalian brain, namely the addition of new neurons throughout lifetime. While synapse loss and consequent death of mature neurons may be responsible for much of the hippocampal malfunctioning in neurodegenerative diseases, studies in mice suggest that the disease could also target the generation of new neurons - or adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN). In my talk I will provide evidence from our lab that supports the occurrence of continued neurogenesis in the human hippocampus of aged healthy subjects and patients with distinct neurodegenerative diseases, using brain material obtained under tightly controlled conditions and applying state-of-the-art tissue processing methods. Our data evidence that AHN is a robust phenomenon in the human brain, and points to impaired neurogenesis as a potentially relevant mechanism underlying hippocampal malfunctioning that may be amenable to novel therapeutic strategies.

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