Patient safety


  • Ramón Mir Abellan

Where we are

Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu

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This emerging research group is made up of an interdisciplinary group of researchers (nursing, medicine and chemists).

It originates from the Patient Safety Committee of the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu and aims to create scientific evidence on the various lines of work in which efforts are currently devoted to guarantee the safety of the patient being treated.

In this way, the will is to reduce the risk of avoidable damage at all points of care in the various healthcare areas of the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, to an acceptable minimum.

Accidental falls, errors with the use of medication, dependency-related injuries, incidents of unequivocal identification of patients, psychomotor agitation, etc. are understood as healthcare risks.

Enhancing the culture of patient safety will facilitate adherence to those known as Safe Practices or Good Practices.

Research lines

  1. Safety culture. Measure the individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions and behavior patterns that determine the style, competence and commitment of security management. This monitoring includes all the groups involved in direct care with patients. IP: Mr. Gerard Andreu Morera.
  2. Psychomotor agitation. To deepen the experience by healthcare professionals who are faced with a psychomotor agitation of the patients they serve and who on certain occasions end up using mechanical restraint. IP: Mrs. Yasmina Veronica Manzano Bort.
  3. Safe Validated Practices. Evaluate to the institution the impact of the Security strategies or the Validated Safe Practices that are implemented. IP: Dr. Ramon Mir Abellan.

Scientific objectives

  1. Promote the Culture of Patient Safety.
  2. Validate Safe Practices.

Group members

  • Maria Luisa de la Puente Martorell


  • Antonio Cruz Antolin


  • Jose Miguel Ortiz Moreno


  • Anna Falcó Pegueroles

    Investigador colaborador

  • Ramón Mir Abellan

    Jefe de Grupo Senior

  • Montserrat Escute Amat


  • Olga Llado Giner


  • Yasmina Manzano Bort

    Ayudante de investigación

  • Manuel Tomás Jiménez

    Investigador pre-doc


  • Confort y desconfort en el paciente crítico pediátrico, adaptación transcultural y validación de la escala comfort behavior scale
    Bosch Alcaraz, Alejandro
  • Impacto de la implementación de una estrategia de calidad sobre la cultura de seguridad del paciente
    Mir Abellan, Ramón
More Theses