

Highlighted activities

IV Jornada Científica del IRSJD

During the Conference, intramural and external collaboration projects will be presented, as well as the three Catalan innovation networks led by members of the Institute and some of the thesis being developed within the framework of the IRSJD.

Auditori del PCCB · Hospital Sant Joan de Déu


#NeuroConCiencia| Biophysical modelling of non-invasive neuroscience

Speakers: Marc Schwartz Pallejà, PhD Student



Total 202 results found.

  1. i4Kids | Pediatric Innovation Day 2023

    Third pediatric and maternal innovation day organized by the Pediatric Innovation Hub - i4Kids.

    Warsaw, Poland · Online

    8h - 18h

  2. #NeuroConCiencia| Controlling neuronal activity with light: from individual cells to brain waves

    Speaker: Dr. Pau Gorostiza, ICREA research professor at the Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)



  3. i4Kids | Training capsule · Impact Measurement. Concept and tools

    Speakers: Ana Delgado, Ship2B Foundation's Impact Manager


    16h - 17h

  4. TECSAM | Technology Exploration Day 2023

    UPF Barcelona School of Managment


  5. Defensa tesi doctoral: Cristina Borràs Novell

    "Composició macromolecular de la llet materna, influència de factors materns, gestacionals i neonatals i impacte en el creixement del nounat prematur"

    Auditori Plaza, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu · Online


  6. TECSAM | Breakfast & Learn: Mental health and women: challenges in first person

    Speaker: Mercè Torrentallé, Alicia Mendo Olmos, Carmen Prieto and Raquel Montllor Linares.


    09:00 h

  7. #ViernesCientíficos · Ética al final de la vida desde una perspectiva enfermera

    Seminario a cargo de Tayra Velasco Sanz, enfermera de la UCI y miembro del CEA del Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid.



  8. Defensa tesi doctoral: Daniel Penela Sánchez

    "Estudio del papel de la microbiota nasofaríngea en la gravedad de la infección por Rino/Enterovirus humano en niños menores de 5 años"

    Auditori Plaza, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu · Online


  9. Breakfast & Learn | How to attract investment in the seed phase of healthcare startups?

    Speaker: Georgina Sorral & Daniel Oliver


    09:00 h